Check out these videos where Doug answers difficult questions about the Bible. His interviews are an effort to help Christians better understand some of the more challenging issues they face when studying the Bible, such as apparent contradictions and conflicting information.
Prophecy Watchers, May 13, 2022. Host: Mondo Gonzales.
Prophecy Watchers, May 13, 2022. Host: A View from the Bunker, May 8, 2022. Host: Derek Gilbert.
The Weird Christian Broadcast. June 18, 2021.
View from the Bunker, Host: Derek Gilbert. December 2017.
Doug Woodward. Prophecy in the News, Kevin Clarkson. August, 2017.
Doug Woodward, Prophecy in the News, Kevin Clarkson, August 2017.
The Sharpening Report (TSR), TSR:179 Huffman and Woodward, October, 2017.
Doug Woodward, The Awakening Report, Host: Douglas Hamp. February, 2017.
Billy Crone, PITN, Host: Doug Woodward, November 2017.
Dorothy Caruthers, August, 2017.
Huffman and Woodward, The Awakening Liberty Show, Sean Caron. September, 2017.
Doug Woodward and Anthony Patch, Lyn Leahz Channel. January, 2017.
Anthony Patch and Doug Woodward, View form the Bunker, Host Derek Gilbert. January, 2017
Doug Woodward. The Awakening Liberty Show, Host: Sean Caron. March, 2017.
Anthony Patch and Doug Woodward. The Sharpening Report, TSR 100, Host Josh Peck.
Edited, Doug Woodward. Condensed and Illustrated by John Mark, SWRC, Host: Larry Spargimino, Fall, 2016.
SWRC, Host Larry Spargimino.
Prophecy in the News, PITN, Host Kevin Clarkson, January, 2017.
Doug Stauffer, PITN, Host: Doug Woodward. January 2017.
Doug Stauffer, PITN, Host: Doug Woodward. January 2017.
Douglas Stauffer, Prophecy in the News, Host: Doug Woodward. January, 2017.
Paul McGuire, PITN, Host: Doug Woodward, March, 2016.
Doug Woodward, August, 2017, Denver Prophecy Conference.
Paul McGuire, PITN, Host: Doug Woodward, March, 2016.
Paul McGuire, PITN, Host: Doug Woodward, March, 2016.
Prophecy in the News, Kevin Clarkson, Host. October, 2016.
Prophecy in the News, Kevin Clarkson, Host, October 2016.
Prophecy in the News, Kevin Clarkson, Host, January, 2017.
The Sharpening Report, TSR 75. August, 2016.
Eddie Roush, Kevin McAfee, PITN: Host Doug Woodward. November 2016.
Daniel Duvall, Summer, 2016
Prophecy in the News (PITN), January 2016.
The TSR 111, February 2016.
with Douglas Krieger, Josh Peck Host. 2015.
Douglas Hamp and Douglas Woodward, Summer, 2015
The World Upside Down Prophecy Conference, Dublin, Ohio, Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Cris Putnam, Gary Winkelman, Gonzo Shimura and Basil Rosewater, Hosts. November, 2014.
Prophecy in the News, PITN, Host: Kevin Clarkson. December, 2015.
Conference, Rob Skiba, Douglas Hamp, Doug Woodward, July, 2014.
Endeavor Freedom, Doug Woodward, Host Zen Garcia, May 20, 2015.
Daniel Duvall, 2014.
The Sharpening Report, TSR: 33, Doug Woodward, Host: Josh Peck.
Doug Woodward, Prophecy in the News, Host: Gary Stearman. Winter, 2014.
Doug Woodward, Prophecy in the News, Host: Gary Stearman. Winter, 2014.
Doug Woodward, The Sharpening, TSR 015. Host: Josh Peck, Fall 2013.
Pike’s Peak Prophecy Conference, 2013. Doug Woodward. July 2013.
Doug Woodward, Prophecy in the News, Host: Gary Stearman, October, 2013.
Doug Woodward, The Sharpening, Host: Josh Peck.
Daily Update, Doug Woodward, Prophecy in the News. Host: Gary Stearman, July 13, 2010.
brought forward scores of unexpected and unanticipated ideas as well as compiling many of the insights supplied by many eschatology authors over the past decade.
But the new DVD, CERN DECODED, opens the floodgates. Anthony Patch, “the ‘go-to-guy’ for all things CERN” (John B. Wells, host of Caravan to Midnight) joins Doug Woodward, editor, and co-author of Revising Reality. Additionally, Anthony discusses stunning new insights from his new book, Coalescence, while Derek Gilbert shares new insight from his pending book, The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. The discussion moves rapidly through many topics with never-before-heard insights and concludes with a few teases pertaining to Volume II of Revising Reality. This is a one-hour interview that will leave you wanting more.
You can purchase the DVD, CERN DECODED: The mysteries of its science, It’s devastating dangers, and its occulted agenda from the Faith Happens Store. Likewise, Revising Reality is available in paperback from Amazon and an eBook format is available on Kindle, Apple iBook, Lulu, and Nook. Be looking for Revising Reality Part 2 coming in 2023.